
Full-Stack Web Development
Become a web developer in 6 months in part-time. Up to 100% funding with Bildungsgutschein!

Full-Stack Web Development Professional
NEW! Our Full-Stack Web Development program in full-time with more content. Now open for applications!

Full-Stack Web Development
Become a web developer in 6 months in part-time. Evening classes: no need to quit your job!

IT Specialist
Retraining program in part-time or full-time. With official IHK (Chamber of Commerce) Certificate.

Orientation Course
Learn the foundations of IT and find out if this career is for you.

Programming for Managers
Educational leave (Bildungsurlaub) program for managers and other professionals who have to deal with developers.
Need advice?
Felix will discuss your options with you, so you can make an informed decision. You can arrange a consultation appointment with him. Alternatively, you can also email him.