About Hamburg Coding School

Hamburg Coding School is an educational organization that offers coding courses for Full-Stack Web and Mobile Development. 👩‍🏫

The School

Hamburg Coding School is a local private educational organization that offers coding courses in Hamburg, Germany since April 2017.

Hamburg Coding School
Gasstr. 4, 22761 Hamburg
Auf Google Maps ansehen
Map of northern Europe © OpenStreetMap
School rooms

Hamburg Coding School has its office space and course rooms in Altona, Hamburg in Gasstraße 4 and in the co-working space Die Diele in Borselstraße 7.

The Story

Teresa Holfeld
Teresa Holfeld
Software Developer, Founder

Teresa is a software developer by profession.
She got her education the classic way: she did her bachelor’s and then her master’s degree in Computer Science.
At university she felt she learned a lot, just not really the skills she needed for a software development job.

When she was working as a developer, they had a workshop with a consultant who taught them reactive programming.
It was then that she realized how quickly you can learn things if you have a competent instructor at your side.
Self-teaching may work to an extend, but it is so much more effective and comprehensive if someone teaches you who is more experienced than you and who can show you how to do things.
This was how the idea of a coding school was born.

Founder Teresa started the school as a side business. It is now an educational institute that teaches adults the core skills that they need to become web developers.
This way, Teresa is giving her participants the opportunity she never had herself: to learn the core skills in a short time with a great, talented teacher to guide them.

The Team

The school is run by a rather small team. 💁‍♀️

Teresa Holfeld
Teresa Holfeld
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira
Jonas Schmidt
Jonas Schmidt
Course Consultation
Eva Dressel
Eva Dressel
Customer Service
Clemens Brüsch
Clemens Brüsch
Web Development
Agustina Carrion
Agustina Carrión

The Teachers

Our teachers are all professional software developers, hired to teach classes in their field of expertise.

Jan Krutisch
Jan Krutisch see profile
Moritz Stückler
Moritz Stückler Show profile
Christoph Eicke
Christoph Eicke see profile
Felix von Poblotzki
Felix von Poblotzki see profile
Tim Adler
Tim Adler see profile
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira see profile
Henning Muszynski
Henning Muszynski see profile
Paul Anton
Paul Anton see profile
Ansgar Mertens
Ansgar Mertens see profile
Stefan Etz
Stefan Etz see profile
Benjamin Rabe see profile
Pedro Remoaldo
Pedro Remoaldo see profile
Alexander Löhn
Alexander Löhn see profile
Tobias Schulz-Hess
Tobias Schulz-Hess see profile
Teresa Holfeld
Teresa Holfeld see profile
Thomas Hedeler
Thomas Hedeler see profile

The Quality of Teaching

At Hamburg Coding School, it is of utmost importance to us that our participants can follow what is being taught in class and graduate successfully.
We emphasise on high standards when it comes to teaching and supporting our students.
We maintain our high quality standards in our courses with

Hamburg Coding School is a member of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V. since June 2020.
With this membership we commit to complying with their Quality Standards.