ITCS in Hamburg

Meet us and have a chat with us!

Next appointment:
ITCS at Messe-Halle B4, St. Petersburger Str.30, 20355 Hamburg

IT Career Summit in Hamburg

We invite you to the ITCS (IT & Career Summit) in Hamburg! We are thrilled that Hamburg Coding School will have a stand in the partner area. Stop by, say hello, and chat with us – we look forward to seeing you there!

The ITCS is the perfect place to discover the latest trends in the IT world, listen to interesting talks, and participate in exciting workshops. You’ll also have the chance to meet and connect with many cool people from the industry.

Whether you’re just starting out in IT, are already a professional, or simply a tech enthusiast – the ITCS has something for everyone.

Just sign up for the ITCS here. We look forward to a day full of great experiences, learnings, networking, and of course, lots of fun!
Just stop by! 😊

Visit us at IT Career Summit Hamburg!